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Sunday, 19 July 2009


Today's post comes courtesy of Ruth who had this little anecodote to share about her student landlord...

"We had water pouring through the the light fitting from an upstairs flat and the landlord said, "Can you pull the light fitting to see if it's live and/or damaged?" - he then refused to pay for the damage as rain was an 'act of god' ...NUTTER!"

Crikey! It's one thing to ask someone to try electrocuting themselves to see if there's a problem with the electrics, quite another to then leave your tenants with a potentially lethal fault and refusing to do anything about it! Nutter indeed!


Alex said...

When my flat on Holland Road got flooded, along with many others, my slumlord hired a guy to just change the carpet. There was mud all under the floorboards. At least half my stuff got missing, so it was easier to move.

It pissed me off enough to start to get back at them.

SuperTenant said...

Hi Alex, I think your site is a great idea (in fact I'm kinda jealous of it as it's something that I wanted to set up myself but I just don't have the web know-how!). I've added my review to your site and wish you all the best with your quest for slumlord domination!