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Friday, 10 July 2009

A true landlord from hell!

This morning our landlord's mum was mowing our patio at 7.30am. Yes you did read that correctly. Mowing our patio.

Today however, we're celebrating our first rant from someone other than me! Well, I'm not sure if "celebrate" is really the right term to use as my landlord tales seem almost pathetic in comparison to poor old Giddy Pyjamas! GP writes:

"Here is the following rant about another very bad human being also known as 'the landlord'...;

1 - Firstly, when myself and housemates were shown around the property it was in the middle of being renovated. We were shown an identical property that was finished and supposedly to the standard to which ours would also be finished. To make sure that this would be the case, we asked him to enclose photographs in the contract of the finished property as proof of what we would expected when we came to move in. Six months later we collected the keys to find the property only partially finished and not up to the standard as promised. Since then, the landlord has promised to finished the renovations and improve the standard it is currently in. We are due to move out next week and none of the promised jobs have been fulfilled.

2 - It was stated in the contract that we would recieve new beds to replace the - literally - blood-stained mattresses"
(Eeeewwww...) "that were already in the house. Funnily enough these have never been replaced...

3 - When we were shown around the house we had a basic, but quite large garden that seemed just pefect for those hot summer days. Unfortunately, it seems we live next door to the landlord's parents and our garden is now the driveway for their six cars!"
(What IS it with landlord's parents thinking that they own the place too?!) "Despite this, the carparking spaces they have in place of their own back garden, plus the two spaces at the front of the house, numerous members of the family are constantly using our own designated parking spaces, leaving us to park several streets away.

4 - Strangely enough, we met some people who lived in our house several years before us who told us stories of how they left the house after their exams. They all decided to return for one last night out before their contract ran out, only to find members of the landlord's family living in the house and using their personal belongings!"
(Of all the cheek...!) "This, along with other matters regarding them gaining back their deposits, ended up in the landlord being taken to court. Suffice to say we don't hold out much hope when asking for our own deposits back...!

5 - The day we moved in, there was torrential rain which resulted in a leak above the window in my bedroom. The landlord's solution? He stuffed it with toilet paper and has been that way ever since..."
(Ha! Good one!)

"6 - It took the landlord over a week to sort out the broken radiators during the bad snow storms we had earlier on in the year. Needless to say it got so cold in the house that all the doors expanded and they no longer close properly.

7 - The landlord once barged into the house demanding to know why we hadn't paid enough rent. Not only is the man extremly rude, but it would seem that he can't do Math either.

8 - Apparently it's our fault that the ceiling in the bathroom is COMPLETELY covered in mould due to the fact that the extractor fan does not work, along with the smallest window you can imagine not being sufficient enough ventilation. Another one of his brilliant suggestions? Keep the bathroom door open when taking a shower. Hmmm."

Good God. My sincerest sympathies go out to you Giddy Pyjamas! Thanks for sharing your story. I'm no legal expert but I would say you need to document as much of this as possible and back it up with evidence - photos, documents etc - to make sure you've got as strong a case as possible if (or maybe when!) you have to take this loser to court. If anyone out there has some advice for our poor ranter, then please do leave a comment on the blog!

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