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Saturday, 4 July 2009

Welcome to Landlords From Hell UK!

I hate landlords. Just because they had some spare cash back in the 80's to buy a crumbling three-bed ex-council terrace or ten doesn't mean that they have to be complete arseholes to their tenants. We can live with the sawdust-stuffed sofas, the hessian sack-based carpets and chintzy curtains, but there is no need for us to tolerate central heating that doesn't get fixed for 3 months during the winter, taps that drive us insane with their incessant dripping or unexpected inspections the night after a party.

I've decided to start this blog about my landlord woes with three aims:
1) To get it all off my chest and have a bloody good bitch about my shoddy landlord;
2) To allow others to do the same;
3) To become a really popular cult blog with hundreds or even thousands of followers that makes me famous and ultimately, for the good of humanity, helps to raise the standard of the UK rental market by forcing landlords to rethink their attitudes and improving living conditions for all.

Join me.

1 comment:

SuperTenant said...

Testing comments...